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Mock Exam Instructions

This is a digital version of the IELTS exam. It has the same form as a traditional IELTS Exam. The exam is split into 4 parts:

– Listening: 40 questions, 30 minutes
– Reading: 40 questions, 60 minutes
– Writing: 2 tasks, 60 minutes
– Speaking: 3 parts, 15 minutes

All answers may be entered directly into the test. All timing, answers, notes and markings are saved automatically upon the completion of any page. Just hit the next page button to save. In order to advance to the next page, you will need to give an answer to each question. You can always navigate to the previous page to update or change your answers.

The timer at the top will keep track of how long you have been on each section, but will not stop if you pass the allotted time. At the end of the exam, you will be shown the scores and time for each section, as well as further instructions for connecting with an educator.

There are a few digital features that may be unfamiliar to new users: On the first load, you will only have one option; to start the test. On any subsequent load, you will have the ability to either Continue the test or Restart it. Hitting the “Restart Test” button will fully erase all your answers, notes, progress etc. There is no recovery option after doing so. IELTS mock exam restart and continue.
On loading the first page, there are four buttons to use at the bottom right. From left to right, they are:
Navigation within the test.
1) Create New Note – Drag and drop to make a new note

2) View Current Notes – Click to show current notes

3) Previous Page – Click to go back one page

4) Next Page – Click to go to the next page (Enabled after all questions have been answered)

In the reading sections, you have the ability to make highlights in the text. Simply click and drag to highlight the words. To remove the highlights, simply click on them. Highlights are saved between pages and practice sessions, like notes. If you are in a section that allows highlights, a highlighter icon will appear under your cursor. Screen recordings showing the Notes and Highlighting can be seen in the next section.
Note Taking – Example of Notes in Action

Highlighting – Example of Highlighting Text

Vocab Training Instructions

The training is split into 4 collections that cover 4000 words in total. Each collection is split into 4 Difficulties with 5 Sections each. Difficulties will unlock as you progress through them.
Vocab difficulty menu.
Click on the Difficulty and Section and you will be brought to the Section Menu. The Section Menu: Vocab section menu.
From this menu, you can see that there are 5 Suites to choose from, each holding 10 words. As you do the training, this menu will be updated to reflect your progress. Suite colour will darken as you train and will eventually turn gold when you reach 100%. Progress affects the look of the menu.
Each word in the Suite will have a Star Rating. As you get familiar with the word, you will get a star for it. Once you have reached 3 stars, that word will no longer appear when you play the Suite.

Choose your Suite and hit the orange Play Button at the bottom right. You will be tested on 10 words by default. When your Average for every Suite in a Section reaches 50%, you will unlock the next Section.
The first part of the game will show you a word used correctly according to its part of speech: (n) Noun (v) Verb (adj) Adjective (adv) Adverb Use the example sentence as a clue to what the word might mean.
Vocab training example with answer unselected.
After reading the sentence, you can choose your answer by pressing the definition you believe fits:
Vocab training example with answer selected.
A confirm button will appear. You can freely choose between definitions until you press the confirm button, at which point your answer is locked in.
Vocab training example with correct answer.
After reviewing your result, press the next button to go to the next word: After you have attempted each word, you will be brought back to the Section menu where you can continue your training.

Idiom Training Instructions

The training is split into 4 collections that cover 1600 Idioms in total. Each collection is split into 4 Difficulties with 5 Sections each. Difficulties will unlock as you progress through them.
Idiom training difficulty menu.
Click on the Difficulty and Section and you will be brought to the Section Menu. The Section Menu: Idiom section menu.
From this menu, you can see that there are 4 Suites to choose from, each holding 5 idioms. As you do the training, this menu will be updated to reflect your progress. Suite colour will darken as you train and will eventually turn gold when you reach 100%.
Progress affects the look of the menu.
Each idiom in the Suite will have a Star Rating. As you get familiar with the idioms, you will get a star for them. Once you have reached 3 stars, that idiom will no longer appear when you play the Suite.

Choose your Suite and hit the orange Play Button at the bottom right. You will be tested on 5 words by default. When your Average for every Suite in a Section reaches 50%, you will unlock the next Section.
The first part of the game will give you a definition of the idiom and a series of words. Generally, there will be 2 extra words that you will not use. Idiom training example with words not dragged in.
Drag and drop the words from the starting area into the middle box. They will all align by themselves. You can change the order, remove and add words as you like. Idiom training example with words dragged in.
A confirm button will appear. You can freely move around the words until you press the confirm button, at which point your answer is locked in. Idiom training example with correct answer.
After reviewing your result, press the next button to go to the next idiom. After you have attempted each idiom, you will be brought back to the Section menu where you can continue your training.